Small Business Loans
Facilities Renovation
- Amount up to 15.000.000 LEK
- Favorable Interest rates
- Fixed Monthly Installments based on the product seasonality
- Grace period up to 18 months, as per product cycle
- Loan offered only in LEK
Investment Loan to Woman in Business
- Skip Installment opportunity up to 6 months in case of maternity leave
- Cover investment projects, property’s development, business extension
- Improve technology or start another business project
- The loan is offered in LEK and EUR
Soft Investment Loan
- Amount up to 5.000.000 LEK
- Convenient tenor up to 7 years
- Favorable Interest rates
- Loan offered only in LEK
- Grace period up to 18 months, based on seasonality
Short Term Loan to Woman in Business
- Preferential prices compared to standard conditions
- The loan is offered in LEK and EUR
- Non-payment of the installment up to 6 months for maternity leave
- One-price dedicated package for women in business
- Fast approval process
Loan for Restaurant Reconstruction
- Loan offered only in LEK
- Flexible Repayment schedule
- Favorable Interest rates
- Tenor up to 5 years
- Loan Amount up to 7.000.000 LEK
- Grace period up to 6 months
Service package for Woman in Business
- SWIFT service 6 EUR
- Package 1 offers for only for 10 Euro monthly a bundle of services:
- Free Incoming Payments in LEK within the same value date
- Package 2 offers for only for 15 Euro monthly two more services:
- SMS Notification & Mastercard Business Card
- Current account, Online Banking & Automatic Bill Payments
Overdraft for Business
- Interest paid only for the used sum during the specified period
- Limit amount up to 2.000.000 LEK
- Tenor 1 year
- Loan offered only in LEK
- No collateral required
ADGF Risk sharing
- Benefit from accessing financial resources easily
- Expanding access to credit in cases of insufficient collateral
- Apply and receive amounts up to 500.000 EUR
Business-Auto Leasing
- Lease payments are deductible expenses & VAT refunded
- Thanks to the suppliers' independence, You get the best offers
- No need for additional Collateral to apply for Business Auto Leasing
- You only need to budget the Lease monthly payment
- On the expiry of the lease term you become the owner of the asset
Agro Working Capital
- Flexible repayment schedule, based on seasonality & product cycle
- Flexible repayment schedule, based on seasonality & product cycle
- Favorable interest rates
Agro Investment
- Amount up to 50,000,000 LEK
- Maturity up to 12 years
- Grace period of the loan up to 24 months
- Collateral Immovable Property or land
- Pledges on machinery & equipment
- Flexible repayment schedule, based on seasonality & product cycle
- Transparent Offer in LEK & EUR
Youth in Business
- An opportunity to start or further develop your business
- Financing with favorable conditions
- Financial and know-how support for youth up to 35 years old
EBRD Agro-Investment Loan
- No collateral required for loans up to 20.000 EUR
- Loan Offered in LEK & EUR
- Grace period Up to 12 months, as per project’s timeline
- Favorable Interest rates
- Maturity up to 8 years
- Tailored products according to business particularities
- Amount up to 2.000.000 EUR
Working Capital Loan under the EBRD
- No collateral required for loans up to 20.000 EUR
- Loan Offered in LEK & EUR
- Tenor up to 3 years
- Favorable Interest rates
- Grace period up to 12 months, as per project’s timeline
- Amount up to 2.000.000 EUR
Agro-OD line under the EBRD Agreement
- No collateral required for loans up to 20.000 EUR
- Tenor 1 year
- Favorable Interest rates
- Monedha e depozitës jepet në Lek
- Amount up to 2.000.000 EUR
MEDTE Financing
- Financed amount from 15.000 EUR – 500.000 EUR
- Favorable Interest rates
- Tenor from 3-8 years
- Loan Offered in LEK & EUR
- Grace period up to 6-24 months based on business cycle
Overdraft Line
- Offered in EUR / LEK / USD
- Most Competitive Interest Rates in market
- Kohëzgjatja zgjat Max 12 muaj
- Ensures the payment of salaries for employees
- Flexibility in its usage
- Immediately Available
- Interest is paid only for the used amount in time
Investment Loan
- Simple usage & time saving
- Disbursements adjusted to the dynamics of investment
- Fund capital expenditure, acquisitions, property’s’ development
- Funds are available to be used according client needs
Short Term Loan
- Pay it with fix monthly installments
- Tenor up to 4 Years
- Loan Offered in LEK & EUR
Transport Leasing
- Lease payments are deductible expenses & VAT refunded
- In order to increase the Investment Value & your Business
- You only need to budget the Lease monthly payment
- Thanks to the suppliers' independence, You get the best offers
- Pay your installment using the income generated from lease asset
Letter of Credit & Bank Guarantee
- Full financing: Import Letter of Credit & Financial Bank Guarantee
- Finance & risk management
- Cross-border trade transactions
- Increase of the company reputation
- Replacement for cash deposits or advance payments
Other types of Products & Services!
Open Account & Deposit
Manage your finances in a transparent, safe & convenient way and its offered for different category business in different currencies!
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Make Payments, Transfers, Pay Taxes, Pay utility bills and create Automatic Periodic Orders directly from our network or through Internet Banking!
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To easily manage your business daily activities use the Night Safe Box, the Salary Service, SWIFT Automatic Service & POS Terminals!
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