Purchase and Procurement
A chance for all
ISBA's procurement is open to a wide range of suppliers. We give a chance to all those who are not yet our business partners and have the ambition to work with ISBA in the future. For the existing ones, it is a challenge to continuously improve the quality of our products and services in order to be a valuable partner of ISBA also in the future. ISBA expects its partners to be flexible, proactive and to have friendly approach and high efficiency.
Fair Play and Transparency
ISBA either directly or indirectly never receives or demands any gift, commission, cash, payment, tour, a participation in recreational and entertaining events or objects that could be considered as a bribe. ISBA employees have no direct or indirect material interest with any supplier. ISBA considers transparency and fair play as the primary values in tenders.
Long-term Cooperation
ISBA is interested in developing long-term business relationships based on open prices in order to reach the most advantageous supply conditions.
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania sh. a. as the operator hereby, in accordance with the provisions of Act no. 9887, date 10/03/2008 on the Protection of Personal Data, provides information on the processing of personal data.
Take a chance and sign up for being part of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania's potential supplier database through filling in the Supplier Registration Form (Download below in Excel) and send it via e-mail to: procurement@intesasanpaolobank.al

Supplier Registration Form
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania sh. a. is authorized to process the personal data of the suppliers and their employees provided by the supplier, even without the explicit consent of the persons concerned.