Cyber Security

How can you defend yourself against online scams?

Keeping your personal information safe is an important part of your security and being up to date on daily risks reduces the chances of falling for online scams . The bank's website has been designed with the best computer systems and the most advanced technologies, but you can do a lot to prevent malicious attacks on your account.
In everyday life and especially on the internet you can fall victim to various types of scams. Those online are constantly evolving and knowing them helps to recognize them:

Some online scams situations

Bank Phishing email

An impostor sends emails very similar to those of the bank, in graphics and content, with the request to provide confidential information online.

How to recognize it?

The counterfeit banking website

Phishing emails contain links that can lead to counterfeit banking websites. If you log in with username and password the scammers can steal them.

How to recognize it?

Banking Phishing SMS

"Smishing" (SMS Phishing) is an attempt to record personal, financial or security information via SMS.

How to Recognize it?

Some online scams situations

The Vishing banking call

In telephone scams of "Vishing" (Voice Phishing) the bad guys push the victim to divulge personal information or get money.

How to recognize it?

The investment scam

An impostor proposes a safe investment offer with big profits not to share with anyone.

How to recognize it?

The bill fraud

A company is contacted by someone who pretends to be a creditor: he wants to change the bank details for paying bills.

How to Recognize it?

Some online scams situations

The CEO scam

A scammer calls or sends an email to an employee pretending to be a high-ranking figure within the company to ask for money to be transferred.

How to recognize it?

Online shopping scam

An online purchase can be a good deal, but it can hide some scams: from the product to the payment the risks are numerous.

How to recognize it?

The sentimental scam

The evildoers target victims on online dating sites: they ask for a ransom for not posting photos or private information.

How to Recognize it?

Më shumë

Cyber Security

Online scams are all over the internet but if we are careful they can be prevented.

Learn more

Money muling

Online scams are constantly evolving. More and more often, the evildoers ask for help to the holders of a bank account that, unaware of committing a crime and of the dangers they run, turn into "money mule".

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