How we protect your data?
Your information is safe with us. The official online website of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania sh.a has been designed with the best security and encryption systems. We offer the most advanced technologies on our payment cards and fraud prevention tools.
Our control systems to prevent fraud and phishing emails contribute to maintaining high protection standards.

ISO / IEC 27001 Certification
The risks to defend yourself from
In everyday life and especially on the Internet you can fall victim to various types of scams.
What is Phishing?
Phishing is an illegal practice carried out by malicious people (phishers) who contact users via email, SMS, WhatsApp or even phone calls. These messages are very similar, in graphics and content, to those of the bank to try to steal confidential and sensitive information.
Through these messages, you may be invited to:
- Click on a link that directs you to a fictitious copy of the bank's official website
- to download a malicious app
- to communicate online banking codes, payment instrument data or personal information in various ways; all for fraudulent purposes.
How to recognize it?
Message content: Notices of particular situations such as winnings to alleged competitions, job offers, gifts or problems that occurred with your current account, expiration of access passwords
Link to operational areas
Call for action, such as connecting to unlock the account or regularize your banking situation
Request codes and information
Invitation to enter personal data and codes, to update personal or personal data or to check positions and transactions made
e-mail phishing
The phishers create almost identical emails to the institutional emails of well-known sites, leading unsuspecting users to fall into the trap. To evaluate the reliability of an email, carefully follow these rules:
1. Suspicious sender email address
Be wary of emails with very long senders, with unusual characters or not having, if they come from the bank, in the address.
2. Errors in the text of the message
Often phishers modify the messages sent by companies to insert new texts and the link to the fraudulent site. Since phishers sometimes operate outside of Italy, there may be grammar, translation or formatting errors in these messages. The presence of even a small mistake must make you suspicious.
3. Link to external pages
In institutional communications, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania NEVER includes links to external pages or applications where sensitive data or access credentials are required.
4. Other possible errors
Please note that the corporate name of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania is correctly reported. You can check the correct company name on the bank's website on this page.
What is vishing?
Vishing is another particular form of phishing based on phone usage is called vishing.
You are usually required to call a phone number by email, SMS or Whatsapp to communicate access credentials to Internet Banking services. Alternatively, fraudsters make a pre-registered call asking you to login and confirm the security codes.
How to avoid it?
Sometimes simple precautions are enough.
- Make sure of the sender of the communication.
- Check the sender's reliability of emails, SMS or WhatsApp messages.
- Never reply to messages you have doubts about. If you are not sure of the origin, don't click on the links and don't open attachments. Cancel suspicious communications.
- Do not release information on the phone. Never disclose your security codes or other confidential information to anyone. Eventually, let them leave a traceable landline number and verify the identity of your interlocutor.
- Type the URL in the browser. Enter the URL of the site always directly in the browser
Our promise
Remember that we will never ask you for your personal and / or financial information or your credentials to access online / mobile banking services for any reason whatsoever.
Are you a victim of Phishing?
Find out what to do
Did you receive an email requesting personal data, account numbers, passwords or credit card? If you have the doubt that you have left your data on a counterfeit site, inform the Bank at the toll-free number 08006000 or via the online form at this address. If possible, indicate the address of the site and attach the text of the email you received.
Have you received suspicious communications from the bank? Have you found any anomalies in the services or suspected of having been a victim of fraud? Do you have doubts about the reliability of the site? Contact your branch immediately.
Have you mistakenly communicated your online banking codes following a phishing message? We suggest you:
- Immediately contact your branch or the call center service to check if fraudulent access attempts have been made and to block the user, in order to avoid further actions by the attacker. We will provide you with all the information on how to proceed with any disclaimers or reports to the competent offices.
- block the services automatically: in mobile just enter a wrong PIN code three times in a row, in internet banking reponsive insert a wrong code generated from the software or hardware token for three times in a row. You can then revoke the direct blocking of the codes just by contacting your branch or call center service.
- make an antirivus scan: do not log in further until you are sure the computer is virus-free.
What's this?
Malware is a malicious software (virus / worm) that can be installed, without your knowledge, on the devices you use to access your bank's site. Through such software, any attackers could compromise the security of your information, make your devices unstable and disrupt your operations.
We therefore suggest that you keep your operating system, antivirus programs, and other software or apps on your devices up to date. Never install apps of dubious origin or available on unofficial stores.