Find all our loans
Mortgage Green Loan
- Improvement of quality of life and environmental conditions.
- Grant up to 20% of the loan amount upon completion of the investment.
- Energy savings and reduction of monthly bills.
- Increase in property value.
Youth mortgage loan
- Financing up to 100%
- Up to 30 years for financing
- Fixed interest rate for the entire loan duration
- For the first year you can pay only the interest
Personal Green Loan
- Improvement of quality of life and environmental conditions.
- Grant up to 20% of the loan amount upon completion of the investment.
- Energy savings and reduction of monthly bills.
- Increase in property value.
Personal Loan up to 1.4 million LEK
- Very transparent offer in Lek & Euro
- Covers your liquidity needs
- No need for a collateral or guarantee
- Interest starting from 4.2%
House mortgage
- Very transparent offer in Lek & Euro
- Up to 30 years
- Most favorable interest rates in the market
- Bank participation in financing is up to 100% of the property value
24 hours Loan
- Only 24 hours for processing time
- No need for a collateral or guarantee
- No need for a guarantors
AUTO Leasing
- Thanks to the suppliers' independence, You get the best offers
- Protected by the insurance policies
- As per your payment capacity
- No need to use your own liquidity to purchase the vehicle
- All costs are known at the start of the Lease Agreement
Pre-approved Loan
- Covers your liquidity needs
- No need for a collateral or guarantee
- No need for a guarantors
- Very transparent offer in Lek & Euro
Soft Loan
- The payment period is up to 30 years
- Up to 85% of the house value
- Zero commission maintenance fee
Students Loan - EDU Kredi
- No need for a collateral or guarantee
- Fast application procedure and approval
- Payback time up to 7 years
Insurance products
- Financial protection during the loan repayment period.
- Different types of coverage for various risks.
- Loan coverage for the entire tenure.
- In collaboration with the international company SIGAL GROUP AUSTRIA.
Refinancing mortgage
- Very transparent offer in Lek & Euro
- Up to 30 years
- Fast response
Non-residential spaces mortgage
- Bank participation is up to 50% of the property value
- Up to 30 years
All purpose mortgage
- Most favorable interest rates in the market
- Fast response
- Very transparent offer in Lek & Euro
Overdraft Retail
- A quick way to have more cash in your account available anytime
- Simple application process and fast approval
Overdraft with Cash Collateral
- Your account will be credited in record time
- No interest is applied if the funds are not used
- There is no need for additional documents
- No need for a collateral or guarantee
- No need for a guarantors
- Pay interest only for the used funds
Car Loan
- Up to 2.800.000 Lek or 20.000 EUR for used car
- Up to 6.000.000 Lek or 40.000 EUR for new car
- Cars purchased from the Concessionaries or Car dealer
Kualifikohen për Kredi të gjithë shtetasit Shqiptarë, me rezidencë në Shqipëri, me të ardhura të rregullta, 100% të deklaruara, ku pagesat kryhen përmes sistemit bankar.
Ky është një publikim reklamues. Për kushtet e plota të Kredisë dhe dokumentat që duhen paraqitur, eja në cilëndo prej degëve të Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania.