Për çfarë mund të përdoret Kredia e Gjelbër?
Kjo kredi mundëson financim për investime që ndihmojnë në kursimin e energjisë dhe ruajtjen e mjedisit, të tilla si:
- Izolim i fasadës, çatisë dhe dyshemesë;
- Blerje e dritareve me xham të dyfishtë/trefishtë dhe dyerve të jashtme;
- Instalim i pompave të nxehtësisë;
- Panele diellore për ujë të ngrohtë;
- Sisteme fotovoltaike;
- Ventilim dhe ndriçim efikas;
- Bojlerë efiçent me gas apo biomasë.
Green Personal Loan (unsecured) Terms
The Green Personal Loan (unsecured) is a loan granted to individual clients, with the aim of covering their liquidity needs in investments towards a green economy, which includes a combination of elements from the following areas of activity: energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Maximum amount:
3 000 000 lekë (equivalent in Eur)
100% financing based on the Proforma invoice provided by the client.
How to apply?
- Select the project or equipment you wish to finance.
- Submit your application to Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania with the necessary documentation.
- Benefit from financing and complete your investment.
- Apply on the GEFF online platform to benefit from the grant of up to 20% of the loan amount.
Calculate your savings:
Calculate online the monetary value and percentage of energy savings you can achieve with the GEFF Loan.
Click here to calculate your savings.
With the Green Loan from GEFF and Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, you can invest in a cleaner and more sustainable future! For more information you can also visit GEFF Albania – Welcome to the Green Economy Financing Facility (