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Board of Directors

Board of Directors

  • Mr. Božo Prka - Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Mrs. Beata Kissne Foldi - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Mr. Gabriele Gherardi - Member of the Board of Directors
  • Mr. Konrad Kozik - Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Commitee
  • Mr. Mauro Rossi - Member of the Board of Directors of Directors
  • Mrs. Amina Carnabuci -  Member of the Board of Directors
  • Mr. Alessandro D'Oria - Member of the Board of Directors and CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania sh.a.
Audit Committee

Audit Committee

Mr. Konrad Kozik – Chairman

Mrs. Beata Kissne Foldi – Member

Mr. Andrea Bazzana - Member

Executive Directors

Executive Directors

Mr. Alessandro D'Oria - CEO - Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Antonio Bragho - Deputy CEO

Mr. Patrick Bianco - Head of Retail Division

Mr. Alessandro Grillo - Head of Corporate & SME Division

Mr. Julian Çela - Chief Financial Officer

Mrs. Orjola Pasko - Head of Risk Management Division

Mrs. Alketa Lamçe - Chief Operating Officer

Mrs. Suela Voko – Head of HR and Organization Department

Mr. Markeljan Rriska – Head of Compliance and AML Department

Mrs. Ledia Plaku – Head of Legal Department

Mrs. Ediola Biçaku – Head of Internal Audit Department

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