XX century works

A voyage around 20th century Italian art.


The 20th century collection boasts over 3,000 items – paintings, sculptures, photographs and other expressive techniques explored during the last century – providing a complete overview of Italian art in this period.

While the early 1900s are represented by four pre-Futurist masterpieces by Boccioni (including Three women and Workshops at Porta Romana, 1909-1910) and pieces by Balla, Carrà, De Chirico, Sironi, Funi, Zanini, Mafai, Spadini, Rosai and Tosi, the second half of the century is charted in even greater detail. This dynamic period in Italian art is documented through its leading artists, movements and experimentations: Spatialism, Nuclear Art, Informalism, Concrete Art, the Gruppo degli Otto, Arte Programmata and Kinetic Art, Visual Poetry, Arte Povera, Conceptual Art and Italian Pop Art, culminating in the new art genres of the 1980s and 1990s.

There are important works by masters such as Fontana, Burri, Manzoni, Castellani, Dorazio, Turcato, Melotti, Guttuso, Afro, Vedova, Corpora, Birolli, Morlotti, Santomaso, Scialoja, Schifano, Tancredi, Baj, Munari, Capogrossi, Perilli, Novelli, Pascali, Fabro, Paolini, Pistoletto, Boetti, Paladino and Isgrò. The collections also feature great names from the international art scene, including Picasso, Kandinsky, Ernst, Matta, Riopelle and Warhol. Also worthy of note is the collection of sculptures (by Martini, Arnaldo and Giò Pomodoro, Colla, Pascali, Staccioli, Carrino, Consagra and international artists such as Arp, Mirò and Vantongerloo), as well as a series of 3,500 original prints.

A voyage through the 20-th century art


A voyage through the 20-th century art

Amedeo Nazzari Chioggia, Canale Lombardo

Artemisia Gentileschi Samson and Delilah

Caravaggio Martyrdom of Saint Ursula

Unknown author The ascension of the prophet Elijah


A voyage through the 20-th century art


A voyage through the 20-th century art

Giovanni Boldini Giovanni Fattori in his study

Luca Giordano The rape of Helena

Ubaldo Oppi Idillio cadorino

Umberto Boccioni Three women


The collection includes the highpoint of the Bank’s artistic heritage, the moving, dramatic Martyrdom of Saint Ursula, thought to be Caravaggio’s last painting (1610).

The group of 17th to 18th century works is particularly prestigious, with pieces by Pietro da Cortona, Luca Giordano, Salvator Rosa, Bernardo Cavallino, Francesco Solimena and Artemisia Gentileschi. Genre painting, portraits, still life, landscapes and urban scenes are particularly well represented, including magnifcent canvases by Gaspar van Wittel.

Worthy of note for their quality and historical and artistic importance are the 16th century decorative cycles in the Cappella del Monte di Pietà, Naples, a series of 17th-century paintings from the ruined “Oratorio della Compagnia di San Paolo” in Turin and an impressive 18th century Neapolitan native.

Intesa Sanpaolo has never been a bank whose aims are simply financial. Its intent is to contribute to the cutural richness in society, too

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