Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania has processed all the applications for moratorium received so far from individual and business customers affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

Tirana, April 16, 2020:  Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, member of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, is glad to inform that it has processed all the applications received for credit repayments moratorium of the individual and business customers affected from the COVID-19. The effects of moratorium are applied back to the application dates or earlier, according to customer needs.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania has informed the majority of applicants on the decisions. These decisions are fully supported by the currently developed technological tools and internal procedures allowing the Bank to expedite internal processes.


Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania financial relief and support plan for COVID-19 offers the possibility to postpone loan repayment (Mortgage, Personal or Business loans) without applying any penalties or fees for up to July 31st, 2020 and further extension for 3/6 months depending on the ongoing COVID-19 crisis situation.

We urge our individual clients and businesses that were affected by the crisis to continue and apply for loan moratorium.


Further, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania has dedicated a plafond of 50 million euros for new financing for the enterprises affected by the COVID -19 crisis lasting for 18 months with a grace period of 6 months with a privileged interest rate of 2% in EUR & 2.75% in LEK. The plafond is aimed at covering short-term financial needs for working capital, supply chain and trade finance needs. Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania informs potential business customers that ZERO Fees and Commission will be applied for these types of financing.


In full alignment with the decisions of the state authorities and decisions of the Bank of Albania:

- our business clients can also apply for loans supported by the Sovereign Guarantee of the Government to ensure the payment of the salaries of their employees and to cover additional business needs;

- all new current accounts opened by individuals and legal entities who will benefit financial support of the government are offered with ZERO fees and commissions

- debit cards linked to new accounts have ZERO fees and commissions.

- using digital channels to make transactions in LEK currency will also enjoy ZERO fees and commissions while we offer Digital Banking with ZERO commission. 


Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania Sha, this way, reconfirms its own concrete contribution and support to all Families and Businesses hit by the COVID-19 crisis and will continue to do so in the future. 




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