Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania Inaugurated its Newest Branch at “Rr. Bardhyl” 


Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania Inaugurated its Newest Branch at “Rr. Bardhyl” 

In the inauguration ceremony were present the banks top management, representatives of the Italian Embassy, Local government, clients and partners. 
In its opening remarks Mr. Silvio Pedrazzi, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania and recently selected as Chairman of Albanian Association of Banks shard with the participants his wishes and appreciated the work that has been done in the creation of this friendly, transparent and warm environment full of light, representing exactly what the Bank wants to offer to all its stakeholders: clients, colleagues and suppliers, an environment where everyone can feel at home. 
“We started the implementation of this new layout of interior design and furniture with our main branch at “Rr. Ismail Qemali” and we are continuing to extend it step by step in all our branches network. We believe that being opened and transparent as this branch is, is the key factor of success in the continuous improvement of the banks relationship with its clients. Let’s hope that our presence in this part of the city will be a further contribution to the development of the city and of the country” – said Mr. Pedrazzi. 
“We are inspired by the same values we share with all the Intesa sanpaolo Group, we want to be opened, cooperative and transparent, to establish long-term relationships with all our customers, individuals, businesses and institutions. We want to offer loans with fair interest and deposits customized to clients’ needs, not forgetting that the saving of the Albanian citizens in this case are the assets for which we should care more. Let’s not forget that banks are invented centuries ago to protect customers’ savings, and then started lending. Our first mission is to take care about the citizens’ savings. To achieve this the Bank should be strong and a solid business with an adequate capital and most importantly a strong human capital, including here all the people working in the bank and having daily relationships with the clients. This is our mission and we think that in Albania we are perfectly in the right path: we have a growing business, we have the right level of profitability, we are investing, and this is a fact, and we are lending. The last year, during 2017, the Bank had a double digit growth in total loans on both Retail and Corporate customers, being one of the best in the Albanian banking system.  We are ‘clean’ (based in the real economy) and we want to remain in this way, because this is very important to us. We are a Bank trying to continuously improve, and if there are any little mistakes, we are always willing to correct them. This is our mission, this is in what we believe and we will push this target every single day of our working weeks” – he declared.  
Mr. Serafino Stajano, Head of Trade & Economic Sector in the Italian Embassy expressed the greetings on behalf of the Italian Ambassador, H. E. Mr. Alberto Cutillo, for the new facility of ISBA as a masterwork. “Intesa Sanpaolo is a pillar of the Italian banking system and an extremely important banking institution in Albania. “ – he declared – “This is exactly what Albania needs, considering the country will face important challenges in the near future, is experiencing an economic development and without a solid, serious and transparent banking system is very difficult to develop an economic & commercial goal as everybody expects here in Albania and abroad. The Italian State representatives here in Albania have been, and will remain, always close to Intesa Sanpaolo and to the action the bank undertakes not only for the individual customers but as well for the big companies and small & medium enterprises which are the core business for the economic development in Albania.” 
Mrs. Ergesta Ninga, Head of Administration Unit No. 3 in Tirana, started her greeting speech thanking and appreciating the Bank decision for the opening of this new branch in the territory of the Administrative Unit no. 3, which will facilitate and give more opportunities for each citizen dealing with the banking activity. “We have a long cooperation history and I am very grateful for the valued job you are doing in offering fast, safe and qualitative services. The serious and beautiful investments become valuable wealth for the cities and the communities where you operate. In this case you gave an added value to this part of “Rr. Bardhyl” - declared Mrs. Ninga. 
Afterwards the participants in this inauguration ceremony, clients, important business people, colleagues and high management of the Bank enjoyed the offered cocktail, having the possibility to meet between them, exchange ideas and perspectives, aiming the enhancement of this symbiotic and long-term relationship between Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania and its clients. 

Intesa Sanpalo Bank Albania is a leading Bank in the country, offering comprehensive solutions, innovative and qualitative products and services for individuals, companies and institutions, through its wide network of branches in the main cities, continuing to expand strategically, following up closely the economic development of Albania. 

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania
PR & Marketing Communication Office,
Rr. "Ismail Qemali" No.27, Tirana, Albania
Tel.: +355 4 2 276 440

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