European Money Week: The Museo del Risparmio and the International Banks of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group will participate in the initiative.


European Money Week: The Museo del Risparmio and the International Banks of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group will participate in the initiative.

From 12 to 18 March there will be a broad-based programme of activities for schools and families in Italy and abroad.
•    European Money Week is the largest financial education initiative in Europe, spanning 20 countries with a wide ranging program of activities 
•    The Museo del Risparmio in Turin is taking  part by offering workshops for secondary schools and families
•    The international banks of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group in Albania, Croatia, Serbia, and Hungary are participating in the 2018 program
Turin, 12 March 2018.  The Museo del Risparmio (Museum of Saving) and the international banks of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group are taking part in the European Banking Federation’s European Money Week from 12 to 18 March. This annual initiative, which takes place every March, gives a European dimension to financial education and is particularly aimed at young people.
For Giovanna Paladino, the director of the Museo del Risparmio: “This is a significant opportunity for comprehensively involving countries and institutions, and we would like to use it to highlight the need to treat financial education in a more joined-up and systematic way. There is no shortage of initiatives, but there is a lack of coordinated leadership.” The Museo del Risparmio is today the sole Italian institution at the opening conference in Brussels and it will argue for this need. On the subject of the gender gap in financial education, Giovanna Paladino will also present the results of its research paper on “How women manage money”, which it produced in partnership with Intesa Sanpaolo. 
The 2018 edition of European Money Week sees the participation of the international banks of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group with initiatives for schools and families in Albania, Croatia, Serbia and Hungary, in collaboration with the local National Banking Associations. Ignacio Jaquotot, the head of the Intesa Sanpaolo International Subsidiary Banks Division, said: “I am very happy that Intesa Sanpaolo is able to make a contribution towards the financial education of young people in the countries where Group’s banks are present. In particular, I would like to thank the large number of employees who volunteered their time in bringing to life the plethora of educational initiatives at a local level.” These initiatives will involve a large number of primary and secondary schools, with workshops, meetings with professionals and finance experts, and visits to museums and banks, all delivered thanks to the commitment of a large number of banks’ employees.
In Albania: Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania is supporting the events of the European Money Week, organized in cooperation with Albanian Banking Association, focusing especially on Financial Education. “One Banker in my University!” - Open lessons from first line managers will be held in Tirana Universities covering topics as: Techniques of Performance measurement for employees, HR planning & Organization; Internal Audit in Banking Sector & Future Challenges; Financial Statements, Preparation & Analysis and Monetary Policy. Intesa Sanpaolo Bank is supporting the European Money Quiz by increasing awareness among high school students’ voluntarily through the bank’s employees, spreading instructions on how to register & play the game. The European Money Quiz is organized for the first time as an European-wide competition to improve financial literacy.
The initiatives of the Museo del Risparmio during the European Money Week are also part of the Econo-mix Festival promoted by the Finance and Savings Education Foundation (FEDUF) together with the participants in the Economic Awareness (CONSECON) project. During the week, the Museum will promote several initiatives for schools in its Via San Francesco d’Assisi premises in Turin. Young people will be able to become tax inspectors for a day (in partnership with the Tax Agency), learn how to manage their personal finances, study the different types of work contract (together with the INPS National Social Security Institute), and reflect on the consequences of economic choices on the perception of risk (together with the Turin Finance Committee and the University of East Piedmont). On Sunday 18 March there will be an event for children and families to conclude the program: this will be an artistic workshop inspired by piggy banks, of which the Museum has a collection of 1500 on show.
For more information:
Museo del Risparmio
Via San Francesco d’Assisi 8/a
10121 Torino - Italy
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