“S.A.V. E Ambassdors”

The competition for high school students

Tirana, January 23, 2023 - Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania in collaboration with the Intesa Sanpaolo Group and the Savings Museum in Turin is organizing "S.A.V. E Ambassadors" competition with the students of three high schools in Tirana: "Sami Frashëri", "Ismail Qemali" and "Ernest Koliqi".

"S.A.V. E Ambassadors" is a special initiative for high schools and aims to involve students in topics related to the circular economy and economic, social and environmental sustainability. The format of this competition was created by the Savings Museum and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

During the month of November, representatives of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania held a presentation regarding the development process and the specific deadlines for each school. The participation in this competition will be organized in classes and every class should prepare a project (PowerPoint presentation or a short summary video) focusing on the unresolved economic, social and environmental issues of the city, as well as propose alternatives and ideas to solve them.

A selected jury with representatives of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania will evaluate and select the winning project for Albania on January 23rd, 2023 based on the predetermined evaluation criteria. The winning class which receives the highest points will be designated as “S.A.V.E. Ambassador" and will represent our country in the international competition that will take place online, with other winning students from every country where Intesa Sanpaolo International Subsidiary Banks Division is present.

The winning projects selected as "S.A.V.E. Ambassador" will be evaluated by the international jury consisting of the Director of Intesa Sanpaolo, the Director of the International Subsidiary Banks Division, the Director and Curator of the Savings Museum, as well as the Director of the Social Program at the EIB Institute, will select the three best projects "S.A.V.E. International Ambassadors" at the international level on January 31st, 2023. Also, for the 3 winning classes at the international level, there will be 3 symbolic prizes related to the theme of the competition.

About Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania: Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, part of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, is a leading bank in the country that offers quality banking, financial solutions and innovative products & services to corporate clients, institutional and high-income private clients, as well as small and medium-sized businesses and individual customers. We encourage a style of growth that is attentive to sustainable results and the creation of a process based on trust deriving from customer and shareholder satisfaction, a sense of belonging on the part of our employees and close monitoring of the needs of local communities. We compete on the market with a sense of fair play and are ready to cooperate with other economic entities, both public and private, whenever it is necessary to reinforce the overall capacity for growth in the economies of the countries where we operate. Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania acquired Veneto Bank in 2017 and now has a network of 35 branches in different cities of the country and will continue to expand strategically following closely the economic development of Albania. Pro-activity, trust, innovation, simplicity and sustainability determines our relationship with our customers and business innovation and service excellence are inspired by our customers.
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