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ESG Product

Student Packages

Focus on your studies and enjoy our "All-in-one" package! Just for you!

Products and Services Offered

Discounted fees on transactions

Incoming & Utility Payments & Prepaid reload

Bundled Package

Mobile Banking & Prepaid Card & SMS Notification

Pay with discounted comissions

Make payments in favor of UNI budged accounts

Discounted fees

Discounted fees

Incoming payments

Utility Payments

Deposits in favor of Budged accounts for payments to Central Agency for Student Achievement Evaluation and University

Prepaid Card reload (cash or from account)

0800 6000

Current Account

The first step towards a new banking experience, easy like never before.
Feel free to carry out transactions anywhere and anytime.
Need help?

Contact our digital branch service

Choose the right assistance for you

+355 4 2276000

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