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Advantages & Benefits

Access in finance

Benefit from accessing financial resources easily

Support for SME-s

Expanding access to credit in cases of insufficient collateral


Apply and receive amounts up to 500.000 EUR

ADGF Financing

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania has signed a cooperation agreement with the Albanian Development Guarantee Foundation (ADGF) to finance micro, small and medium-sized Albanian businesses. This program aims to expand financial services by providing partial guarantees covering the credit risk associated with initial or newly extended loans. Financing is specifically targeted at agricultural and rural markets due to the lack of or insufficient collateral.

The first category of financing offered


Regular Guarantee

These are types of financing for regular clients, who have been operating for years. They are designed to finance businesses, including Agribusiness and Agritourism, and their investment or working capital needs, in order to enable them to regain some lost capacity, resulting in job retention, re-creation or expansion of business. 

The second category of financing offered


Start-Up Guarantee

These are types of financing for Start-up customers, who have just started their business. They are designed to finance start-up businesses (Registered within 24 months prior to their expression of interest in financing), which usually do not have a financial history or sufficient collateral to offer financial institutions to access financing.

Investment Loan

Investment Loan

Product Characteristics

Maximum amount:

  • 500,000 Eur (Regular Window)
  • 50,000 Eur (Start-Up Window)


  • max 84 months (Regular Window)
  • max 60 months (Start-Up Window)


  • No Collateral for amounts up to EUR 50,000 (for Regular Window)
  • No Collateral for amounts up to EUR 25,000 (for Start-Up Window)

GRACE PERIOD for you two financings is up to 12 months.

Loans for Working Capital

Loans for Working Capital

Product Characteristics

Maximum amount:

  • 500,000 Eur (Regular Window)
  • 50,000 Eur (Start-Up Window)


  • max 36 months (Regular & Start-Up Window)
  • min of 12 months (Regular & Start-Up Window)

Facility in Collateral:

  • No Collateral for amounts up to EUR 50,000 (for Regular Window)
  • No Collateral for amounts up to EUR 25,000 (for Start-Up Window)

GRACE PERIOD for you two financings is up to 6 months for the Strat-Up Window

Bank Advance (Overdraft)

Bank Advance (Overdraft)

Product Characteristics

Maximum amount:

  • 500,000 Eur (Regular Window)
  • 50,000 Eur (Start-Up Window)


  • max 12 months (Regular & Start-Up Window)

Facility in Collateral:

  • No Collateral for amounts up to EUR 50,000 (for Regular Window)
  • No Collateral for amounts up to EUR 25,000 (for Start-Up Window)
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