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Trade Finance Instruments

We support your business on your international trade and not only!


No Limits

There are no limits in the amounts for the supplier and the buyer

Full Financing

Full financing of the amount of the Letter of Credit and Bank Guarante

Terms of Trade

We only pay the amount in case of fulfilling the terms of trade

Eliminate a Lack of Performance

Eliminate a lack of performance or inadequate performance

Better Manage

Manage your finances and risk


For collateral you can use a real estate or cash

Letter of Credit (LC)

Letter of Credit (LC)

Any arrangement however named or described, that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing Bank to honor a complying presentation.

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)

An irrevocable undertaking providing for payment in case of applicant default. 

Demand Guaranties (BG)

Demand Guaranties (BG)

Any signed undertaking however named or described, providing for payment on presentation of a complying demand.

Documentary Collection (DC)

Documentary Collection (DC)

The handling by banks of documents in accordance with instruction received, in order to:

  1. Obtain payment and/or acceptance;
  2. Delivery documents against payment and/or acceptance;
  3. Deliver documents on other Terms & Conditions.
trade finance instruments, intesa sanpaolo bank albania

Discover More

  • Trade finance instruments reduce the risk associated with global trade by reconciling the divergent needs of an exporter and importer.
  • For businesses engaged in international trade, trade finance solutions are integral to success within the global marketplace.

Advantages for the Beneficiary


  • Security of the Payment - payment is assured as long as you comply with the terms and conditions of the LC/SBLC/BG;
  • Better Cash Flow - It helps sellers manage their cash flow;
  • Risk Transfer- The credit risk is transferred from the buyer to the issuing bank, which is obligated to pay even if the buyer goes bankrupt.

Advantages for the Applicant


  • Confirmation of Buyer's Solvency - It helps buyers to prove their solvency;
  • Transfer of the Responsibility - The issuing bank assumes the ultimate financial responsibility of the buyer;
  • International Business - You may significantly increase your ability to do business with companies outside Albania by improving your realtion with your suppliers;
  • Better control and monitoring - You can build safeguards into the instrument, including inspection of the goods and quality control, and set production and delivery times.
How to apply?
Follow the steps to complete the application:
First Step
The client should submit the contract between the parties
Second Step
The client presents the completed application form
Third Step
The client submits the relevant documents for the Credit Line (if applicable)
intesa sanpaolo, trade finance
Other Benefits
  • Draft Preparation Free of charge
  • Consulting Expertise Free of charge
  • Other Bank Charge As incurred


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