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Current Account for SME & Corporates

Are you a residential or non-residential Juridical Person? Manage your finances in a transparent, safe & convenient way!


Also offers

Offers the usage of direct debit agreements & periodic orders


Accessible from Online Banking


You can access it from your debit Mastercard Business

Different currencies

Offered in different currencies: LEK, EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, JPY

Fast payments

Fast payments in & out of the country

Category business

Offered from different category business

Cash transactions

Carry out cash transactions: deposit or withdrawals


  • Offered from different category business
  • Linked with a debit or credit card
  • Used as a takedown account for a time deposit
  • Operated on-line by using the Internet banking facility
  • Used as a takedown account for debit interests of a loan
  • Linked to a POS service (serving as a POS payments settlement account)
  • Used to pay salaries of employees (payroll accounts) as per agreements between the bank and the employer7
  • Linked to a Direct Debit Agreement for paying utility bills
  • Used to deposit checks (including checks of other banks)
  • Used to execute internal transfers, receive incoming payments and to perform outgoing transfers



  • Registration Certificate issued by NRC
  • Provide NUIS – Tax Identification Number
  • Provide copy of the decision-making body for Legal representative

Për kategori të ndryshme klientësh si:

  • Institucione dhe organizata ndërkombëtare
  • Ambasada
  • Biznese ndërkombëtare me prezencë në Shqipëri (p.sh. linja ajrore, kompani transporti, hotele)
  • Korporata vendase (shtetërore, sipërmarrje të përbashkëta dhe institucione private)
  • Fonde (instituticionale apo investimi)
  • Organizata Jo – Qeveritare (OJQ)
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+355 4 2276000

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