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POS Terminales service

The easiest way to grow your business - with Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania's POS terminal service!

You know how important it is to provide a great experience for your customers

With POS terminals you enable your customers to make purchases without limits. You can accept fast, easy and secure payments using their preferred cards, such as Visa, Mastercard and many more.

These are some of the benefits of using the POS terminal service:

  • Save money and time: Card payment is faster and easier compared to cash payments. You avoid the risks and the possibility of errors that can occur with cash payments.
  • Increase in sales volume: By offering different payment methods, customers have the freedom to choose the most convenient method for them. This helps increase sales and ease the buying process for your customers.
  • Security: You don't need to keep a large amount of money in the business. The money is deposited into your bank account providing security and convenience to make your transactions.
  • Latest technology: Bank terminals accept contact payments as well as contactless payments. The latter is a safe and fast payment method that allows customers to pay without inserting the card into the POS terminal.
  • Digital Branch 24/7: If you have questions or requests, you can contact Digital Branch at any time of the day for assistance. 
pos terminal service

Don't waste time!

Customization for your Business Type: POS terminal service can be customized according to your business type, be it restaurant, hotel or other type.

Now is the time to experience the electronic payment revolution! Visit your nearest branch of our bank to find out more, or speak to your account manager to get started. It's not just a service - it's our partnership to help your business grow.


For POS terminals service Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania offers FREE of charge all services related to:
Maintenance and modification of POS terminals as well as their updating
SIM Card
Communication of the terminal with the mobile SIM card (GPRS communication)
Full reports
Handling all your requests for information and tracking issues with POS transactions.
Financial reconciliation
Merchant Web Portal that supports your financial reconciliation process.
POS terminal transaction

Your benefits:

  • Businesses that have POS terminals in their country present a more modern image to customers, facilitating the acceptance of card payments, which are constantly increasing from year to year.
  • POS terminals of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania accept all debit and credit cards, national or international, through chip technology, magnetic stripe or contactless technology, which have the Visa and Mastercard logo. Transactions can be made in LEK and EURO currency.
  • Increase sales by not limiting customers by the amount of cash they carry, while also encouraging impulse purchases.
atm-cash in
Dedicated staff to support your activity:
  • Training for your staff on the use of POS terminals
  • Dedicated support for transaction cancellations
  • Management of technical issues online and at your location
  • Reconciliation process through the Merchant's Web portal
This service is suitable for Small, Medium and Large Corporate Businesses with high demand for card payments and has the following advantages:
  • Your account is automatically credited for all card transactions. Thus, the risk of carrying/carrying large amounts of cash is eliminated.
  • Real-time support provided by our staff for any issues you face during normal business activity.
  • Preferential commission rate.
  • Free access to the portal of verification of transactions made at POS terminals in real time.


If you are interested in the Pos service of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, please contact the Pos Sales Team who are at your disposal at any time.

Contact information: possales@intesasanpaolobank.al

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+355 4 2276000

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